Hi, I’m Mark,

Welcome to thefoodtosser.

I like food, I like cooking and I am a tosser! I have been writing recipes for years

which is a bit strange because when I cook I am a tosser.

I don’t usually follow recipes unless I am baking which is a much more exacting science. Usually I toss in a bit of this and a bit of that and work with it to get the balance correct.

Back in the day I wrote cookbooks as a way to promote to people the foods that are of interest to me and to make cooking doable for a lot of people. Also not a bad way to promote Zarbo.

People tell me that they still use my recipes and my kids tell me that they are relevant to them. In this day and age this is a great vehicle in which to showcase them.

Over time I will add more, showcasing you could say is a greatest hits of what I have done in the past and also a number of what I am doing now.

If you have bothered to read all of this you will see that truly I am a tosser!
